This love story is very close to my heart. I met Spencer freshman year of college. We swam together all four years at Duke and shared a love of emo music, sarcasm and good times. I have to say that a piece of Spence was always somewhat missing. He was for sure the Ted Mosby of our group of friends and never quite got over that girl from high school.
Ali always seemed to be the one who got away. His once prom date was at a college hundreds of miles away and the distance was daunting. But that’s the thing about love, it is never considers words like practical or realistic. The girl that Spence fell in love with in high school is now his soon to be wife.
I’ve watched Spence and Ali become my favorite couple over the past few years. They always cut a rug beside Ben and me at weddings and always seem to be down to grab a beer when either of us are in town. After awhile, “where’s the ring Spence” became a frequent question from friends and family so when he and Ali took a trip to drive the California coast, we were all patiently waiting to pop the engagement champagne!
Spence asked Ali to become Mrs. Booth on the west coast beaches of California before the two move states to their new lives in Chicago. Snapping sunrise photos on the Brooklyn Bridge was the perfect way to say goodbye to their home state. All the love in my heart goes out to this amazing duo and I can’t wait for more Booth wedding related celebrations in the upcoming year!
