It’s not every day that your best friend gets married. Lara and I sat next to each other in Mr. Hock’s freshman Biology class. We were probably the only 2 people both wearing some shade of pink and listened to Relient K. Needless to say, we became fast friends. Although we are very different people (she’s the Betty to my Veronica), we’ve remained close for over a decade. We would get together on holiday breaks form school and even met up for weekly lunches when we were both doing glamorous internships in New York City. It only made sense that we would get married months apart.
Lara and I planned our weddings simultaneously. I could complain to her about seating charts while we planned ways to sneak her dog into the hotel wedding morning! When all was said and done, I was so so happy to stand by her side this winter as she became Mrs. D’Lando. Lara selected the Henry Morrison Flagler Museum for her wedding. This venue was a dream come true. We got ready at the Brazilian Court and the two tied the knot at St. Ann’s Parish just down the road from their reception at the historic Flagler Museum. Here are a few shots I snapped of her big day! I can’t wait to capture another Jones wedding this fall!
