Ahhhh the Trocadero. Is there any place more iconic in Paris? When traveling to France, I was just giddy with the idea of photographing Julien & Krystal in this location! I met Krystal through a mutual friend- Mary Hahn. Mary was Krystal’s college roomie is a swim/dive friend of mine from college. Small world! Krystal and Julien met abroad in business school and now call Paris their home. The two tied the knot back in the states so it only seems natural to capture their newlywed love in their home city as well! Read all about how these two met and check out my favorite snaps from our sunset session below:
We met in Fontainebleau, France at INSEAD business school. We had neighboring rooms in a 16-room chateau (“Club 16”) rented by INSEAD students. We dated for about 2.5 years (1.5 years long-distance!) before he took me on a surprise trip to Fontainebleau in July of 2016. It was our first trip back since school, so we walked ‘down memory lane’ to all the places that were significant to us as students. When we reached Club 16 he paused to kiss me under the streetlamp that had just turned on. It was a more tender kiss than usual, after a couple years of dating, and I got butterflies all over again. He proposed there – just me, him, and the light from the streetlamp – and then we went to our favorite bar to celebrate with champagne. Très français!
