This wedding was YEARS in the making. Jessie and I have known each other for years; we swam for rival colleges (me Duke, her NC State) but our teams had one thing in common: we both hated UNC. Beyond that, Jessie and I found that we had HEAPS in common. In between He’s Not adventures and swim meets we found that we were freakily similar. Style twins, teachers at heart and in general just love to have a good time with our friends. After college, we stayed in touch chatting about TFA stuff and when she got engaged, I was likely the first person to freak out on social media.
December 7, 2017
Sometimes when you meet certain people, you just click. I met Brianne though INSTAGRAM. Yes, that’s right people. I made a real human friend through social media. It can be done! We had so much in common that we weirdly just started talking on IG. We come from divorced families, like to dye our hair, love Star Wars & cats and are avid photographers of tattooed beauties. We both even did photo projects that involved the darker side of Disney in our younger years. The list goes on and on. When I was flying to Houston for an engagement session, I knew we had to meet up. We ended up snapping some portraits and going for beers after…. for 5 hours. Happy I found my twin in halfway across the country!
January 31, 2017