
The story of how Paige and Jared met is straight out of a fairytale. Jared lost his wallet in a movie theater. Paige was the lucky movie-goer who found the lost item and called the phone number in the wallet to try to return it to its rightful owner. The number was actually Jared’s mother! After some light conversation, Jared asked Paige on a date and the rest is history! 

May 16, 2017

Meadowlark Botanical Gardens Engagement | Paige and Jared

Caitlin and I were destined to meet. During Ben’s first week of work at Microstrategy (five years ago), Caitlin was the girl who on-boarded my confused fresh-outta-college then boyfriend/now husband. He came home from work to announce, “I met a girl who is friends with Spencer Booth!” This may seem like a very weird thing to celebrate but I think it was comforting to have found a familiar friend at a brand new job, let alone his first real job.

March 1, 2017

Lincoln Memorial Engagement | Caitlin and Matt

This is a super special portrait session to me. I love this couple so much because Steph deserves happiness more than anyone I know. She was an incredible roommate in a crappy apartment when we had crappy teaching jobs. She also is the most giving person I have ever met; she LITERALLY gave a kidney to help a family member last year. Tim is one hell of a guy for making this girl the happiest I’ve ever seen her in our years of friendship. 

December 4, 2016

DC Fall Engagement | Tim & Steph

I will preface this blog post by saying that I rarely shoot family sessions. This year, I have decided to specialize in weddings and engagements because that is what my heart feels the happiest doing. When Cynthia contacted me, I made the exception to capture her family at the monuments because I really feel like I clicked with her even though we had never met in person. 

November 30, 2016

Lincoln Memorial Family Session | The Mukherjis