Kelli and John, possibly the most humble model level stunning humans I’ve ever met. Biggest smiles, even bigger hearts. These dog parents are one day married & put on a party at the Willard like no other! Congratulations on becoming Dr. & Mrs, adore you both! PLANNER@annekelleydc @alexajschmittVENUE@willard_intercontinentaldcVIDEOGRAPHER@MonachettiFilmsHAIR AND MAKEUP@beautynthebrowpmu@hairandmakeupbyclaudineTABLETOP RENTALS@emersonjamesrentalESCORT CARD DISPLAY@thedandelionpatchLINENS@bbjlatavolaFLORAL DESIGN@darlinganddaughtersfloralDRAPE / […]
December 4, 2023
Anna and Tom are married! There were so many little moments from yesterday where they demonstrated their sweet love. Tom was always making sure that Anna wasn’t frigid: constantly holding her tight, putting his jacket over her shoulders and kneeling down even with his over 6 foot stature to warm up her hands once […]
December 3, 2023
Katie and AJ are betrothed!! Jumping up and down screaming at these images since they feel like a dream (just like every second of the weekend). This couple did a high tea rehearsal before tying the knot just days before Christmas at the Willard. All 3 doggies were in attendance and they created such […]
January 6, 2023
Lauren & Greg had a vision to take portraits all around D.C. and did they ever! We started the day one of the district’s most historic hotels: The Willard. Greg and his guys snapped pictures out front while Lauren and her gals were at Cafe Du Parc. The whole gang then took a ride to Georgetown’s Chapel where these two would tie the knot followed by family formals and portraits on the lawn. The final stop was DAR Constitution Hall where their reception was flawless!
June 12, 2019