Today I want to talk about something that changed the way I shoot weddings: a styling board. When I first realized I could bring my own props to weddings to make styling details a cinch, it blew my MIND. Why wasn’t I doing this sooner?! I now travel with envelopes, stamps, Mrs. Boxes and ribbon to every wedding I shoot. But what makes it all come together is a Styling Board.
The styling board I really wanted was by Heirloom Bindery but I didn’t like that I only had 2 color options, I wanted a strap, and I didn’t want to spend over $100 dollars. So, I set out to make my own. Here are my 4 easy steps to making your own styling board!
The Kir2ben Styling Board
Step 1: Buy a cheap canvas from Goodwill. This one was $17.
Step 2: Select and buy the fabrics you want to style with. I like neutrals and blush so I found a few yards at Joann’s Fabric.
Step 3: Paint the canvas white. Be sure it is flat with no bumps!
Step 4: Nail in the fabric and strap to your board!!

There you have it folks! A styling board for $17 plus fabrics! I hope you found this How To post helpful to creating beautiful wedding images. Here are some of my favorite styled images using the board! Enjoy!
