True life: I was dying to do this photoshoot. A few years back, I met Cecillia at a work Christmas party. About a year later, she told me that she was interested in starting her own business (which would eventually turn into Postskript)! One of my major passions in life is helping people find their dream job and I also love connecting people that can build each other up and make those dreams reality. I convinced Ceci to come with me to a local Tuesday Together meet-up ran by none other than my gal pal Rachel Rice with The One Moment Events. I weirdly knew these two would be best friends because they are legit twins in every aspect of the word. Turns out, I was epically right!
These two entrepreneurs have started a double lifestyle saga called The Double Cheers. You can follow their journeys on Instagram and see what a real life Blair and Serena would be doing out and about Virginia! When I had a vision for a slumber-party themed shoot, I knew these two would be down! This was my first shoot in my new studio. I am so glad these two queens helped me christen Dogwood Lane.

The BEST!!! I had so much fun doing this and I cannot WAIT to see the magic that comes out of your studio!!