This was my favorite thing I have photographed… possibly ever. Sarah and Chris emailed me a week before their elopement asking if I was available for 2 hours on Sunday. With only a few emails, I was given an address and time to arrive to capture their ceremony. I arrived at Sarah’s apartment to meet them both. Sarah had cooked brunch for their entire wedding (which was 16 people including myself). She got ready in their DC apartment while I photographed a small amount of detail images. Sarah wore the dress that both her mother and grandmother had worn on their wedding day! Her mom had reconstructed it and sewed all three of their names in the lining.
Sarah met her dad at the park next to their apartment and walked to the Serenity Statue in a leather jacket on her daddy’s arm. Chris and Sarah read their handwritten vows from dumpling note cards and kissed under an oak in Meridian Hill Park to seal the deal. Afterwards, we took a few portraits and talked about their plans to move to Africa! I know their new life is going to be filled with adventure and laughter. Here are my favorite images from the day! Best of luck in Africa kids!!
