This couple knocked my socks off. If only you could hear her British accent! Victor and Alannah met at a bar in Manchester on Pancake Day which yes, they had to explain to me. Their mutual friends set them up and three years later, they’re still smitten. Since they started dating during the pandemic, they’ve never met families & will finally be spending Christmas in Brazil! Cheers to your epically charming smiles & kind hearts.

Alannah & Victor
Venue: Casa Dos Penedos @penhalongaresort @penhalongacatering
Workshop Host: AMV Retreats @amv_retreats
Wedding Planner, Styling & Design: AMV Weddings @amv_weddings
Workshop Educators: Sophie Kaye Photography @sophiekayephotography, Andreas K. Georgiou @andreaskgeorgiou, Branco Prata @brancoprata, Anna Lord @annalord
Florist: Siloh Florals @silohfloral
Behind the Scenes Video: Anna Lord @annalord
Behind the Scenes Photographer: Kir Tuben @kir2ben
Furniture/Tabletop Rentals: Maison Cristina @maison.christina
Hair/Makeup: Vanessa Chabert Make-up @vanessachabert_makeuphair
Accessories: Untamed Petals @untamedpetals
Cakes: Edelweiss Cakes @edelweiss_weddingcakes
Stationary: Laura Elizabeth Patrick @lauraelizabethpatrick
Dress: Marchesa @marchesabridal @marchesafashion
Groom’s Attire: Bucco Couture @buccocouture
Linens: House of Hough @houseofhough
Shoes: Something Bleu @somethingbleu_
Jewelry: Victor Barbone @victorbarbonejewelry
Styling Boards: Lindale Studios @lindalestudios
Flat lay Styling: Sophie Kaye Photography @sophiekayephotography