Aren’t Hailey and Rishil pure perfection? We got absolutely lovely weather for this Larz Anderson House day! An outdoor table, champagne tower and lush florals really set this day apart! If you’re looking for a European Wedding in Washington DC, book this venue now! H & R would agree! Here are some favorites from this fall fete.

Venue: Larz Anderson House @eventsatandersonhouse
Workshop Host: AMV Retreats @amv_retreats
Wedding Planner + Styling/Design: AMV Weddings @amv_weddings
Educators: Sophie Kaye @sophiekayephotography, Kir Tuben @kir2ben, Michelle Harris @mharris_studios
BTS Photo: Mekina Saylor @mekinasaylor, Vicki Grafton @vickigrafton
BTS Video: Kirsten Beatley Films @kirstenbeatleyfilms
Florist: Love Blooms @lovebloomsdc
Furniture/Tabletop Rentals: White Glove Rentals @whitegloverentals
Hair & Makeup: Madeline Eleanor @bymadelineeleanor
Dress: Carine’s Bridal Atelier @carinesbridal Reem Acra @reemacrawedding
Accessories: Erin Rhyne @erinrhyne
Cake: Two Teaspoons @twoteaspoonsnj
Stationary: Studio Wren Co @studiowrenco
Linens: Nuage Designs @nuagedesignsinc
Shoes: Something Bleu @somethingbleu_
Rings: Victor Barbone @victorbarbonejewelry
Styling Boards: Chasing Stone @chasingstone Lindale Studios @lindalestudios
Flat Lay Styling: Sophie Kaye @sophiekayephotography
Ring Boxes: Styling Reserve @thestylingreserve
Harpist: Nadia Pessoa @nadiapessoaharp
Live Illustrator: Samia Lynn Illustration @samialynndesign
Model: Hailey Fleming @haileywhiskedaway