Absolutely enamored with this chilly autumn wedding in Ireland. A private castle for you and your guests? What could be more magic? I know, add a horse! Castle Leslie hosts a few on property to ride off into the sunset with. If you’re looking for perfect Irish Fall wedding inspo, look no further!

Venue | Castle Leslie | @castleleslie
Workshop Host | AMV Retreats | @amv_retreats
Wedding Planning, Styling & Design | AMV Weddings | @amv_weddings
Educators | Sophie Kaye @sophiekayephotography | Andreas K. Georgiou @andreaskgeorgiou | Kir Tuben @kir2ben
BTS Photo | Konstantyn Zakhariy | @konstantynzakhariy
BTS Video | Love Story Films | @lovestoryfilms
Florist | Frog Prince Weddings | @frogprinceweddings
Furniture/Tabletop Rentals | Frog Prince Weddings | @frogprinceweddings
Cake | Erzulie | @erzuliecakes
Linens | Nuage Designs | @nuagedesignsinc
Hair/Makeup | Victoria Nightingale @victorianightingalehair | Tara Sanger @tarasangermakeup
Models | Sara @lolita_rose | Thomas @willeminjeanson | Couple @tom_and_lolita
Ceremony Gown & Veil | Mara Marie Bridal | @maramariebridal
Accessories | Megan Therese | @megantheresecouture
Reception Dress| Alon Livne | @alonlivnewhite @alonlivne
Shoes | Kate Whitcomb @katewhitcombshoes | Bella Belle @bellabelleshoes
Rings | Andria Barbone | @andriabarbonejewelry
Styling Mats | April Raymond @aprilandmikeraymond
Flat Lay Styling | Sophie Kaye | @sophiekayephotography
Stationary | Laura Elizabeth Patrick | @lauraelizabethpatrick
Ring Boxes | The Styling Reserve | @thestylingreserve
Horse | Castle Leslie | @castleleslie