Just wrapped on our 11th retreat to date in Ireland! I always say I’m speechless after these events, but my god am I left totally speechless after this one! I am continuously blown away by the beauty we have been able to create across the world with some of the top suppliers in the industry in the most breathtaking locations! Insanely blessed to be able to share these moments with some of the most beautiful and talented souls, from our amazing attendees to our dream team of vendors! I love y’all so much! 🙏🏼✨

Photos | @kir2ben
Venue | Castle Leslie | @castleleslie
Workshop Host | AMV Retreats | @amv_retreats
Wedding Planning, Styling & Design | AMV Weddings | @amv_weddings
Educators | Sophie Kaye @sophiekayephotography | Andreas K. Georgiou @andreaskgeorgiou | Kir Tuben @kir2ben
BTS Photo | Konstantyn Zakhariy | @konstantynzakhariy
BTS Video | Love Story Films | @lovestoryfilms
Florist | Frog Prince Weddings | @frogprinceweddings
Furniture/Tabletop Rentals | Frog Prince Weddings | @frogprinceweddings
Linens | Nuage Designs | @nuagedesignsinc
Cakes | Erzulie | @erzuliecakes
Hair/Makeup | Victoria Nightingale @victorianightingalehair | Tara Sanger @tarasangermakeup
Models | Catwalk Model Agency @catwalkmodelagency Body London @bodylondon_
Groom’s Attire | Paul Andrew | @paulandrewsuits
Ceremony Gown & Veil | Rami Al Ali | @ramialaliofficial
Reception Gown | House of Savin | @houseofsavin
Accessories | Edera | @ederajewelry
Shoes | Dream Pairs Shoes @dreampairsshoes | Jimmy Choo @jimmychoo
Rings | Andria Barbone | @andriabarbonejewelry
Styling Mats | April Raymond @aprilandmikeraymond | Locust Collection @locustcollection
Flat Lay Styling | Sophie Kaye | @sophiekayephotography
Stationary | Laura Elizabeth Patrick | @lauraelizabethpatrick
Ring Boxes | The Styling Reserve | @thestylingreserve