That just touched down from France feeling. ✨ What a magical day at @chateausaintgeorges with Lucas & Margaux. Elegant spaces, wow-factor designs, indulgent food. One for the books. More magic to come but enjoy these sneaks & check out the team below!

Venue | Château Saint Georges | @chateausaintgeorges
Host | AMV Retreats | @amv_retreats
Table Design | Vida Events | @vida_events
Photo & Flat Lay Styling | Kir Tuben | @kir2ben
Florist | La Blonde et le Barbu Design | @lablondeetlebarbudesign
Planning & Design | AMV Weddings | @amv_weddings
Caterer | Ruth Williams | @traiteur.ruthwilliams
Cake | K & Kakes | @k_n_kakes
Furniture Rentals | Options Nice | @options_nice
Linens | Nuage Designs | @nuagedesignsinc
Stationery | Laura Elizabeth Patrick | @lauraelizabethpatrick
Hair | Karine Brossard | @karinebrossardmakeuphair
Makeup | Kayla Kollection | @kaylakollection
Bridal Dressing | GoldLeaf Brides | @goldleafbrides
Couple | Margaux & Lucas | @margauxcaffarel@lucas_1109
Flat Lay Accessories | The Styling Reserve & April Raymond | @thestylingreserve@aprilandmikeraymond
Consulting | Kir Tuben @kir2ben | Be Inspired PR @beinspiredpr | Amanda Writesman @thebridaltheory
Gown | Berta | @berta@bertabridal
BTS Photography | Thomas Audiffren | @thomasaudiffren
BTS Videography | Wonder & Magic | @wonderandmagicie
Illustration | Samia | @samialynndesign