
 Halfway through this darling engagement session, Brittany and Andrew felt as though they had to confess something to me… They were UNC alumni! In college, there was no feud more powerful than the one between UNC and Duke but weirdly enough, even though I am a Blue Devil through and through, some of my very best friends went to UNC! Now in DC, I actually LOVE running into anyone who shared my North Carolina experiences: He’s Not, TOP) and Franklin Street were all a major part of my college experiences too! So Brittany & Andrew’s “confession was met with laughter and heaps of inside jokes.

September 28, 2018

Old Town Alexandria Engagement | Virginia Fall Engagement | Brittany and Drew

These are some amazing friends I have right here. Cara and Matt got married nearly one year ago in Costa Rica! Their intimate wedding was a dream come true in a tropical paradise. When shooting my promotional video for Kir2Ben, I just knew I had to ask them to be my models! I took them to a park near my house in Falls Church for an anniversary session which will soon be featured in my About Me video! 

July 25, 2016

Cara & Matt | Anniversary Session