
Today, I wanted to share all of my thoughts, feels and snaps behind my incredible labor of love on my blog. This was hands down the hardest thing I have ever done in my photography career. I’m not going to lie, hosting a workshop is tough. It was the first thing in my business I felt nervous about and I had serious doubts leading up to May: What if people didn’t buy tickets? What if attendees walk away feeling disappointed? What if I failed? Well, I’m here to tell you it was all worth it. The feeling of being able to give business owners tools to become more successful is an all time high feeling for me.

June 1, 2018

Real Talk Workshop | District of Columbia Photography Workshop | Kir Tuben Photography

As you may (or may not) know, I have officially launched my photography workshop called The Real Talk Workshop. We get it Kir… you’re hosting a workshop. So why then am I writing a blog post about it? Well, I don’t really think a landing page on my site is doing this event justice. I want to really dive in and explain the passion behind this project. 

March 23, 2018

My Workshop Why | Real Talk Workshop Details | DC Photography Workshop

In the field of photography, there are heaps of learning opportunities to choose from. There is no shortage of educational experiences ranging from one-on-one mentoring to huge auditorium filled conferences. But how are you to know where to spend your time and money? Here are five questions to consider when selecting your educational experience. 

August 24, 2017

Conferences, Workshops and Mentoring | How to Find the Right Fit | Photographers’ Education