For the month of February I launched Project Passion– boudoir sessions for couples meant to spark intimacy and joy! I was THRILLED when Angela and Hunter booked this session. Angela contacted me before these two were even engaged. She knew Hunter was her person and knew she wanted me to be the person that captured all stages of their love. I will be photographing their engagement party at Great Marsh this spring so this was the perfect time to get to know them! These two actually came straight from their cake tasting to this boudoir session… brave I know! In the sugar coma, these two were a bit nervous to start out but then they really let go of the nerves and had a blast in the process!
I want to share with you the follow up email from Angela. I know these sessions can seem scary but THEY ARE ACTUALLY SO NATURAL AND FUN! I cannot encourage you enough to do these with your partner. Don’t believe me? Read below: